Monday, November 17, 2008

On the Lookout

I had some errands to run this morning and I decided to walk around and search for earth art in the very very urban part of Richmond where I live. I didn't find much and I'm not sure if what I photographed even counts.

This didn't come out like I had hoped but this tree is growing along Broad Street. I liked the way the trunk and roots have this bulbous, flowing texture. It reminded me of this picture of a basaltic lava flow.

Not sure why though...

You see these sprawled out all over the walls of alleys in Richmond. I liked this one in particular because this leafless vine has a dark halo against a pale, washed-out wall. It stood out with this menacing aura and I couldn't stop looking at it as I was walking by.

Found this on Grace Street. It sort of reminded me of a cairn although I doubt it was meant to be. Some elements were natural and some were man-made articles weathered by nature. Kind of a working man's front porch still life.

A closer look.

Again, not sure if this is art, but i like the distressed feel and the peek-a-boo flowers. I also like the mystery of not knowing whose bench this is anymore.

I've actually never been out west, or to a desert for that matter. But ever since I was little, I have always been fascinated by the colors and myths. I like that these places are arranged carved by wind, water and sometimes volcanoes.


Michael G said...

I really like the picture of what you found on Grace St... especially the grears near the bottom.

Michelle said...

As for the picture on Grace St., I found the woodwork above the stones and concrete to stand out in particular with its bright purple paint. The color seems like one almost never seen in nature.
Then I scrolled down to your desert pictures and saw almost that same purple in the mountain landscape. Notice how the manmade paint is already peeling though and those mountains are eons old...